I'm sure we've all seen pictures, or at least heard of by now, of all the cast of The Twilight Saga. For me though, I am drawn to one cast member more than others, Ashley Greene. She is an amazing actress, beautiful, and just an all around likable person. It is a little weird, though, to see someone star in movies and be on the covers of magazines, when she used to walk the halls of your highschool with you. Yes, I shared some classes with Ashley, and maybe that's why I'm drawn to her. Part of me still can't believe that someone from Jacksonville, Florida could be a star
and so successful in Hollywood. There have been others that went to Wolfson High that dabbled in the LA Scene, but none that have had the success that Ashley has had. This aspires me. Aspires me to reach for my goals and do what I love doing, no matter the cost and eventually it will pay off. Seeing what her success has brought her, and where she is going with that success, makes me just want to watch her more and more in awe (and maybe slight jealousy). Having appeared in Maxim, not once, but twice now.... Ashley, I say to you, keep it up. You're an amazing person. Even though we were never that close, more acquaintences than friends, you have inspired me to reach for my dreams and goals. I wish you all the more success in whatever the future may bring for you!