Why is it that all the juicy stuff that happens at Tiger Woods' house is in the EARLY morning hours? Just an observation on the latest Tiger news: Elin's mother apparantly collapsed due to stomach pains. The hilarious part about all this is the 911 call, made by Elin at 2:35 Tuesday morning. She is in a panic, rightfully so, but I guess panic overtook her common sense. She called 911 from a corded land line. So, when the paramedic asks to check certain things on her mother, she has to put the phone down, run to her mother, and then run back to the phone to relay the information to the paramedic. Um.. hello! This is not the 90's! Finally, the paramedic asks Elin if there is a phone closer to the bathroom where her mother collapsed. Elin's responds with an 'I don't know. I'll check'. How do you not know where your phones are in your own house? BUT, more importantly ... why aren't you using your cell phone so you can be in the bathroom with your mother the whole time? In the end, she says her mother is fine and apologizes for the call. When asked if she still wanted paramedics to come, she said 'okay, it's not urgent now though.' What?!?? Elin, come one.. everyone feels sorry for all the BS that you've had to endure these past few weeks, but please have some common sense!