Seriously?! Has it really come to this? The Lohan Family (minus dad) has taken to a website, http://www.lohanhouse.com/, to sell used clothing, shoes, and miscellaneous "collectibles" each member no longer has a need for. A few things came to my mind, as I'm sure they did yours, when first reading about this. Number one, Is the family truly THAT broke that they need to gather income from an online garage sale, if you will? Number two, who wants to buy used clothes from The Lohans?! My guess is that they all reek of either smoke or alcohol ... OR BOTH! Number three, why in the world is a Disney Tinkerbell t-shirt priced at $60?! I would rather go down to Disney World myself and purchase a new one, minus the smoke stench, for $30!
Sorry Lohans, but I don't think this idea was at all ingenious on anyone's part! Oh wait ... the family isn't ingenious anyway! So I guess this is just to be expected!