I told you my previous post would not be the end of the Tiger Woods drama! And the newest set of stories to add to Tiger's string of drama IS: Tiger is officially being cited for his one car accident for 'careless driving' and being charged a fine (less than $200) along with 4 points to his license. The other woman, Rachel Uchitel, is still holding to her denials of the affair accusations, but now she's claiming that a friend went to the media and was paid $25,000 for the made up story. She has offered to take a lie detector test on top of all that just to prove that she's telling the truth. Meanwhile, ANOTHER mistress has come forward, proudly claiming to have had a 31 month long affair with Tiger, and saying she has pictures, texts and voicemails to prove it. Hmm.... I dont know about you, but this he said she said stuff is really starting to make me tired. I think, in the end, Tiger screwed up, if not once, multiple times. Now he needs to man up, grow a set, and face the consequences of his actions. It's like the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky case; everyone knows you did it, they're just waiting for you to admit it! Maybe if we all took a step back and let Tiger have some space, he will come clean.
None of this will make anything easier for his wife Elin, but I think the women of American would be completely supportive of her if she decides to leave Tiger. Am I right ladies??